Power of Spiritual Consciousness
Power of Spiritual Consciousness
It is often said that what you don’t expect and joyfully actively hope for you can’t have. Also, what you can’t imagine and visualise you can’t bring to pass. This is true because God has designed you as a walking magnet. You attract what you think about and believe.
Do you want to see good days and enjoy the divine peace of God that is freely given? One of the SECRETS to really enjoying the peace and abundance of God and experience favour is to cultivate the desired environment you want for yourself.
This can be created by creating expectations that are cultivated and nurtured from within. Can you see that God’s goodness is all around you? See that the earth is FULL of God’s mercy and goodness and His mercy and goodness are the privileges you enjoy as God’s own child. Romans 9:23. Remember when God created the earth, the heavens and the universe, God declared that it was GOOD.
Even though sin corrupted the earth, know that once you are in Christ your environment and whatever is yours is FULL of God’s mercy and goodness. You have been exempted from failure, chaos and the corruption that is in the world. I am not saying you will not go through challenges but it will always turn out to be good, because God’s mercy and goodness is not only within you it manifests all round you.
Knowing this and continually appreciating God for the fullness of His goodness and mercy will transform you and your surroundings. You will start to notice the difference in a matter of days, weeks and months. Never complain or whinge. Stay excited and wake up every morning speaking genuinely from a heart that understands that the earth is FULL of the mercy and goodness of GOD.
What will this do for you? Remember you a living magnet, you will start attracting the abundance of God, favour will flow to you, joy from inside will be yours, strange uncommon divine occurrences will be yours and your household. Where you have been refused help in times pass, opportunities will abound.
God the Creator and Owner of the universe will cause seasons and times to favour you. You will be at the right place at the right time. The right people will be there to make things work for you. Even when people exploit and use you, God will make it work in your favour. God will re-arrange systems and events to favour you, what was meant for evil God will use to benefit you.
I declare that my expectation is of good only, I start today with the understanding that my environment is FULL of God’s MERCY. I see goodness and mercy following me daily all the days of my life. All things are working together to bless me and my family. I excel in all that my hands find to do.
I am a blessing to my family, community, work and the world because of the goodness of God on the inside of me. It is impossible for me to fail because the life of God is growing and increasing on the inside of me. Everywhere I turn I see God’s goodness all around me. My heart and mind is FULL of God’s goodness. The goodness of God is expressed through me to others. Abundance and increase is constantly flowing to me in finances and provisions.
© Stephen O Abraham 2018