
Wealth and Finance Mastery

Wealth And Finance Mastery

Do you have problems managing your finances? Are you always living from hand to mouth and could not figure where you spend all your money? All these problems can be solved if you practice wealth and finance mastery.

You can enjoy being financially independent if you manage your finances and wealth in a sensible and purposeful manner. In order to gain mastery over your finances and resources, it is important that you have financial awareness. You must know where you are standing now in the terms of wealth and where you need to go. The decisions and choices you make have a tremendous impact on your financial stability and mastery.

Wealth and finance mastery do not only depend on the financial choices that we make, but our lifestyle, habits, attitudes, and outlooks are also some of the major reasons for the spending that we make. We must develop an appetite for financial literacy and endeavour to efficiently utilize our money, in such a way that our money makes more money.  Wealthy people develop mastery over their wealth and finances, they make realistic choices when it comes to investing and managing their money in the right way.

Ways to achieve wealth and financial mastery:

Acknowledge yourself: In order to have financial mastery, one must have the knowledge of his financial reality. He or she must be able to acknowledge what he or she wants to achieve in life. One must set goals to attain the financial stability and be the master of his or her finance. One must know what he or she wants from life in order to organise and do the tasks and work required to achieve the desired end. If you have no idea what your desires are then you will not be able to manage your finances. What you see regarding your future will determine what you are willing to do to bring that future into reality.

Step out of your comfort:

A great way to be the master of your finances and grow your wealth is to step out of your comfort zone and make preferences based on creativity. Start by making different decisions and see what results are driven out of the decisions. Making different choices allow you to have an awareness of the various options that can be a good turning point for your financial concerns.

Managing cash flows:

Cash flows are the ultimate reality of financial and wealth mastery. You must have sound information about what cash you are making and where you are spending it. If the cash inflows are less than the cash outflows then you will be doomed in instability of finance. You must have a method of tracking and monitoring your monthly and yearly expenses to become financially independent.

Investment strategies:

For financial mastery, you must have long-term and detailed investment strategies. If you have money and you are willing to invest it in different assets, then a detailed plan must be made for you to generate profits and income from the assets. The cash and wealth must be invested in a way so that it can provide financial freedom over a longer period of time. The efficient utilisation of your money in various assets will allow you to have financial mastery. This process and skills you accumulate will equip you to multiple your wealth and be a master of your finances and eventually have freedom over your time.

© Stephen O. Abraham 2018

Stephen Abraham Wealth And Finance Mastery

Stephen Abraham Wealth And Finance Mastery

Building Strong Self Esteem and Confidence

Building Strong Self Esteem and Confidence

Being discouraged in life and not having confidence in yourself can be a nightmare. A person can be happy and healthy only when he has a strong self-esteem, is confident and has a positive outlook towards life. These attributes allow a person to lead their life in an optimal manner in which their desires, needs and wants are fulfilled. Self-esteem and self-confidence helps you make effective decisions and be satisfied with your decisions.

A person who does not believe in himself or herself can never attain the vital goals of life because to achieve big things in life you must have confidence in yourself and believe that you can achieve your dreams and fulfil your potential. There are many ways in which you can gain confidence and strong self-esteem. I have shared some of the ways below.

Know your strengths:

Whenever you are feeling low and losing faith in yourself, try to remember the good things that you have done in life. Make a list of your strengths and capabilities that you can genuinely identify and how these helped you in the past to achieve your goals. Knowing your strengths will give you a boost in confidence and you will realize that you are not a failure and you have skills and qualities that will help you in leading a prosperous abundant life.

You are human:

One good thing to remember whenever you lose or faced with a temporary setback and challenge in life is that you are human. This means that you are in the process of growing, developing and learning and everyone makes mistakes. Failing and then rising up is a part of life, all you need to do is to be confident of your capabilities and recognise that failing forward is one of the roads to success and accomplishment. Resolve to brace up yourself, forget the past, learn from the event or mistake and move on. Always realise that you are evolving and you are closer to realising your dreams than ever.

Do your thing:

Another good way to develop strong self-esteem is to do your own thing believe strongly in your God given passions, talents and how you purpose to develop yourself.  No matter how scary and daunting your dreams and decisions are; and no matter how this might intimidate people, just do them. Think about your fulfillment, passions and what you consider as your ideal so far as they are not in conflict with your spiritual values go ahead and pursue them.

Do not let people put you down or don’t let anyone undermine your confidence by talking you out of your dreams. Just do not regret your choices, every step you take should ensure your happiness, well-being and encourage someone else.


Work out, jogging, swimming, brisk walk and other forms of exercise energises you and makes you feel good about yourself. It has health benefits as well as motivational power. A lazy person would struggle to develop a strong self-esteem so it is essential to develop a routine that includes some form of exercise. As you know exercising boost your confidence level and provides you with inner satisfaction. It also releases stress and anxiety and ultimately makes you will feel better about yourself and your self-esteem.

Set your goals:

In order to have strong self-esteem in life, you will need to  develop and set personal goals. This will provide you with a roadmap and you will be aware of what you have done in life and where you have to go. You will feel more confident whenever you see you plan of a successful life.

Trust God:

It is good to believe in yourself and do all the other things explained in this article but for you to develop as a complete person you will need something more. That is why it is important to seal your self esteem and confidence in your faith with the one who gave you life. Trusting God does not mean you abandon your life to fate, No. It means you see God as your source and guidance. This strengthens you beyond natural abilities and gives you inner peace.

 © Stephen O Abraham 2018


Constantly Charging Your Spiritual Mind For Success

Constantly Charging Your Spiritual Mind For Success.

Success is not easily achieved. To achieve success a person must have to go beyond just working hard. Many people develop different skills and strategies in the name of being successful. One fundamental part to our lives for success is being spiritually alive and active.

Having a spiritual mind or believing in God’s divine power can also help in achieving various goals in life. To be spiritually active requires an understanding of divine truth by building a relationship with the only true eternal Creator and unlimited divine Spirit – God.

It also first begins with recognising that God has put in us the desire to seek truth and this truth is in Him alone. It is important to recognise that this truth was manifested in Jesus Christ so that we can have a practical understanding and example.

There are many ways in which you can boost your spiritual mind and make it a way to achieve numerous successes in life.

Study God’s Word to You:

To develop your mind and charge your mind spiritual, you must have a daily dose of some sort of motivational words either via the scripture or other means. When times are challenging, and you are losing hope a good way to deal with the stress is to read the Bible and remember the promises that God has made to you. This will allow your mind to focus on God and your heart to believe in word. This will restore your confidence and everything that you do will turn out in your favour. 

Create time to Pray or Meditate:

Another way to charge your spiritual mind is to regularly pray and be in the presence of God. Whenever you need to make a decision or before taking actions especially on major matters ask God to guide you in the choices you make.  Prayers based on faith will allow you to have a connection with God and also build a relationship with God. Sometimes it may appear you are alone, and you don’t have anyone to share your feelings with, at that time speaking to God in prayer will relieve you from all your worries and bad thoughts. Always remember that when you pray and spend time in meditation, believe that the unlimited divine Spirit is listening to you. This Spirit made you anyway and His plans for you are for good and happiness.


Meditation also opens your mind to divine power. Relaxing and meditating for 15 minutes daily can be a game changer for your spiritual mind. For meditating, choose a time that is quiet when you can relax and shut out the distractions of noise, telephone, gadgets and people. Think on the greatness of God and His goodness only. Focus on the good things God has provided you with and create pictures in your mind. At first, it will look like a waste of time but after some time you will get to know the benefits of meditating. It allows you to have a deep contact with yourself, clear your mind of doubts and help you in doing self-analysis. You will get answers to your problems when you start meditating and you will feel refreshed. It is brings you more in contact with God’s power and wisdom which you need for living successfully.

 Self – Talk:

Speaking positively to yourself charges your mind and feeds your confidence. It is reaffirming yourself that you can overcome the challenges you may be currently facing. It is also re-affirming your spiritual principles which reinforces your mind and triggers your consciousness.

A regular self-talk or affirmation is an essential diet for growing a healthy spiritual mind for success. It builds mental toughness and helps you handle pressure and life challenges. It is essential for maintaining focus.

 Serving others:

Since serving others require you to give your time, resources and wealth to others, it can be a great way to achieve spiritual fulfillment. As a matter of fact, humans are created to serve, first God and then other human beings, serving and giving some of your resources and money to the poor will give you lasting fulfillment and spiritual and material rewards which strengthen your spiritual mind, fulfilment and success.

© Stephen O. Abraham 2018

Complete Health and Wellness

Complete Health and Wellness

To live a happy and prosperous life, complete health and wellness are necessary. It is crucial for joyful living and for maximising your potential and living well. Health and wellness are not only related to our physical health, but it is the reason for our overall wellbeing. Complete health and wellness are vital for higher quality of life.

Our actions and emotions reflect on our wellbeing and vice versa so to be a healthy and wealthy person one must take steps to improve their quality of life and wellbeing.

What is health and wellness?

Health and Wellness is not just an absence of illness but a state of complete physical, emotional and social wellbeing. It is a process of becoming aware and making your way towards a healthy and prosperous life. It is a resource to lead a life full of happiness, bliss and satisfaction.

Forms of health and wellness:

There are various forms of health and wellness that cater to different areas of life. Each form is interrelated and is vital for achieving optimal health and wellness.

Physical health and wellness:

Physical health and wellness are dependent on the physical aspects of the body. It relates to maintaining a healthy body and preventing and protecting it from illnesses. Physical health is achieved through a number of ways. By eating healthy food, by exercising, adequate sleep and rest. Understanding the nature of diseases and by fighting illnesses if you fall sick.

Emotional health and wellness:Emotional health means having a peaceful mind that is free of stress, anxieties and depressions. You must be able to understand yourself and your emotions and engage in activities that provide inner peace and reduces stress. Meditation, prayer, self-care and recreational activities are a must to achieve emotional health.

Social health and wellness:

How healthy and happy you are to a large extent will depend upon how friendly and sociable you are. Social health allows you to live in an environment where you can have social relationships and can fulfil your societal roles. It also includes effectively managing your friendships, family and romantic relationships. If a person is in social distress or does not like to meet people, then complete health and wellness cannot be achieved.

Financial health and wellness:

Financial health means effectively managing your financial inflows and outflows. Money is vital for living a healthy life and not having enough money can lead to stress and depression. Not having money also make you unable to fulfil your desires and needs which ultimately destroys your emotional and physical health. Developing a good financial health is critical to your confidence and fulfilment.

Occupational health and wellness:

Occupational health and wellness afford you happiness with your work and your responsibilities. It means to enjoy your occupation and respect your contributions. Occupational health also plays a big role in maintaining overall wellbeing because many people become depressed due to the pressures of work. One must enjoy his or her occupation and should be satisfied with their work so he or she can enjoy optimal health and wellness.

© Stephen O Abraham 2018

Power of Spiritual Consciousness

Power of Spiritual Consciousness

It is often said that what you don’t expect and joyfully actively hope for you can’t have. Also, what you can’t imagine and visualise you can’t bring to pass. This is true because God has designed you as a walking magnet. You attract what you think about and believe.

Do you want to see good days and enjoy the divine peace of God that is freely given? One of the SECRETS to really enjoying the peace and abundance of God and experience favour is to cultivate the desired environment you want for yourself.

This can be created by creating expectations that are cultivated and nurtured from within.  Can you see that God’s goodness is all around you? See that the earth is FULL of God’s mercy and goodness and His mercy and goodness are the privileges you enjoy as God’s own child. Romans 9:23. Remember when God created the earth, the heavens and the universe, God declared that it was GOOD.

Even though sin corrupted the earth, know that once you are in Christ your environment and whatever is yours is FULL of God’s mercy and goodness. You have been exempted from failure, chaos and the corruption that is in the world. I am not saying you will not go through challenges but it will always turn out to be good, because God’s mercy and goodness is not only within you it manifests all round you.

Knowing this and continually appreciating God for the fullness of His goodness and mercy will transform you and your surroundings. You will start to notice the difference in a matter of days, weeks and months. Never complain or whinge. Stay excited and wake up every morning speaking genuinely from a heart that understands that the earth is FULL of the mercy and goodness of GOD.

What will this do for you? Remember you a living magnet, you will start attracting the abundance of God, favour will flow to you, joy from inside will be yours, strange uncommon divine occurrences will be yours and your household.  Where you have been refused help in times pass, opportunities will abound.

God the Creator and Owner of the universe will cause seasons and times to favour you. You will be at the right place at the right time. The right people will be there to make things work for you. Even when people exploit and use you, God will make it work in your favour. God will re-arrange systems and events to favour you, what was meant for evil God will use to benefit you.


I declare that my expectation is of good only, I start today with the understanding that my environment is FULL of God’s MERCY. I see goodness and mercy following me daily all the days of my life. All things are working together to bless me and my family. I excel in all that my hands find to do.

I am a blessing to my family, community, work and the world because of the goodness of God on the inside of me.  It is impossible for me to fail because the life of God is growing and increasing on the inside of me.  Everywhere I turn I see God’s goodness all around me. My heart and mind is FULL of God’s goodness. The goodness of God is expressed through me to others.  Abundance and increase is constantly flowing to me in finances and provisions.

© Stephen O Abraham 2018

Know All Things Are Possible

Know All Things Are Possible

Have you ever thought of achieving something but then the thought you can’t have it all hits your mind? It often happens to people. But remember, it is all about your mindset, because all things are possible if you can believe.

This means that, everything that you do, everything that you think, everyone who you meet. Your all experiences and how you decide to interpret those experiences, these all are about only one thing – your mindset.

Mindset is one of the most important part of a person. And the thing to notice is; it is completely under your control. It is in your own hands. You control what you think of the people you meet and the things and your experiences. You, control what type of day you would have ahead. You control how to interpret the experiences and react to everything happening around you. You. No one else does it. Only you do it. You are completely responsible and in control.

How you choose to see everything in the world and everyone around you, is your choice.
Every second of every day for the rest of your life, you have the opportunity to make meaning out of every situation. You will be confronted with either turning what appears gloomy and dark into light, failure into success. The choice will be yours and will depend on what you see in your mind.

The one simple thought that you can have it all and a knowing that all things are working for your good has so much power, potential, and hope. You are under the control of one of the most impactful and defining principle for success. your– perception and divine reality.

You need to look on the brighter side of everything, but you should be realistic as well. Do learn to forgive everyone – yourself as well. Don’t hold any grudges and do not hold on to the past.

Learn from everyone and everything that either supports you or challenges you. However, be careful in how you think, what you say and do. Do what is right – always. Do what in your opinion is truthful and honest and let it be guided by your core believes and philosophy. Just because you are not aware of anything doesn’t mean that it is not true. Give others a chance and give them another chance.

Never pretend knowing something that you don’t. Never pretend to be someone who you are not. Never expect anything from others. Always see the best in people and expect to receive abundance by the law of seed time and harvest that governs life. So, always do good and be kind.

Take a moment and reflect on your life look at yourself from God’s perspective and see that you are capable of doing great things with your life. Look at yourself in the mirror. What do you think of what you see in the mirror? Do you like what you see? Remember that you are in complete control of your life. You can control not only your interpretations but also your perceptions and reactions and ultimately, your mindset.

Never let anyone take away your control over your mindset away from you.

Build relationships with people who encourage and motivate you to be your best. In like manner make it your duty to encourage and build people because it will come back to you. Remember all things are possible. You can have all things.

© Stephen O Abraham 2018